Hello, we’re Emailmug and welcome!. We’re happy to have you here. When we say ‘we‘, ‘us‘, ‘emailmug‘ it’s because that’s who we are and we own and run the Emailmug site. This is important and affects your legal right please read all the terms and conditions mentioned below carefully.
Membership is free, to access certain features, products or services an emailmug account is required. The information provided while creating account must be true and accurate. You are responsible for any use of the Emailmug account including any activity and transactions that occurs in conjunction with your username and password, so keep your password secure and don’t let any other person use your username or password. If you realize there’s any unauthorized use of your password you need to let us know immediately.
You can purchase our products and choose which version you want to purchase:
1. HTML Only
You will only get pure HTML file as your downloadable file.
2. ESPs Ready
Besides pure HTML file you will also get mailchimp, mailster and stampready compatible file as your downloadable files.
3. Get Custom
No downloadable files from the website instead it will sent directly from us to you after you send the template requirements.
All of the template versions above are supported for 12 months duration since the purchase date and unlimited updates.
1. License
When you buy a products you acquire the right to use that item, you’re not actually acquiring the item itself. What you get includes the license from us to use that item. Items are subject to specific terms of use, and these terms are the ‘license’ that we set on Emailmug. Different license types are available. The ownership of the template is always retained by Emailmug.
2. Item Support
In addition when you buy an item whether it is downloadable or not you will receive item support for 12 months duration since the purchase date.
When you made purchase on Emailmug, you agree to the following terms:
– You are not allowed to cancel the completed purchase.
– We do not guarantee that any particular item will continue to be available on emailmug in the future. So, you agree to download the template as soon as you buy it.
– We may ask your to provide relevant details in order to full fill your item service order.
When you using email template from Emailmug, you are not allowed to:
– Send any spam emails.
– Send threat emails.
– Send hateful content or content that entail remarks against a particular gender, race, religion, city, state or country.
– Use the templates in connection with material which is offensive, defamatory, pornographic, obscene or demeaning, or promotes discrimination.
– Held Emailmug responsible in case you come across any error in the third-party email service, email client, and tool that are not listed in ESPs compatible platform.